Garret Metal Detector

Thursday, August 28, 2008

How To Swing A Metal Detector For Success

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When swinging a metal detector, proper technique is essential. if you hold the coil too high above the ground depth is lost. If you swing the coil to quickly, you may miss a valuable target. And if you walk too quickly, you may pass over a target.

I like to think of the coil as a paint roller. Pretend that your coil is loaded with paint, and that you're trying to paint the ground that you're walking across. As you slowly sweep the coil back-and-forth across the ground imagine paint being applied. You're trying to paint the entire area you were trying to cover. If you can imagine the paint, you should be able to cover the entire area without missing a single spot.

As far as the height above the ground goes, you want to hold the coil as close to the ground as possible. Obviously, if you're working in tall grass you're maybe 3 or 4 in. above the ground. On the other hand, on a smooth flat beach surface, you can easily skim the coil right over the sand. Remember, the higher the coil is above the surface the more depth you will lose. If they've got a old coin that is 6 in. below the surface, and your detector can detect 8 in., and the coil is 3 in. above the ground, you will miss that target. If the coil had been directly upon the ground you would be able to detect that target.

For walking speed, remember the paint rollerr analogy above. As long as you are painting the entire surface of the ground and not missing any spots, you are not walking too quickly. However, if you find that your imaginary paint is missing areas, you need to slow down your pace.

I have used this technique successfully to find lots of gold coins, valuable jewelry, and other rare finds. The hope you find this technique improves your success rate.

About The Author

Dean Novosat is an avid treasure hunting and can often be found metal detecting the beaches of the mid-Atlantic United States. He uses Minelab equipment exclusively, but you will also find Garret and Fisher detectors in his arsenal.n He is the webmaster of and

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Helpful Tips to Treasure Hunting With Metal Detectors

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Whether you are a novice or experienced treasure hunter nothing is more important than that one great find of the day, but many treasure hunters miss that great find by not digging everything, or by being asked to leave a site, right before digging that last ping, because they didn't ask permission to hunt there, well here are some ideas and tips to help you get "your" great find.

1. Can I hunt here?

First and foremost, always get permission to hunt a site, even when it is a public place like a beach or park, one way I have gotten permission for these types of places is to offer a free service, for instance, ask the caretaker if they would like you to remove all the sharp metal objects buried in the sand, like flip tops, and crushed cans, provided you can keep or properly dispose of what is found, they are more likely to allow you access if they get something useful out of it, like having their beach cleaned and unsafe items removed, and feel free to show them what hazards you have removed from their patrons harm, so they will allow you to return often, of course you don't show the coins, jewelry, or valuables you also sifted out of the sand.

2. Bad times = good times for you!

Although where to hunt is important , it's also "when" you hunt some places that makes the most difference. When hunting beaches almost anytime is OK but how much better would your hit rate be if you went after a very hot and busy beach day? well you might think that improves your chances of finding some valuables, and it does, but what would be better is take the same scenario as before, but add the element of a mid-day, or late afternoon, thunderstorm that came with out warning, now you are adding the fact that many beach goers, caught unaware of the impending storm until the first cloudburst, are now all racing around to collect their belongings and trying to get out of the deluge, in this instance many people will find they have lost something valuable, and just a note on jewelry, anything found with engravings or inscriptions, you should always try to locate the original owner if possible, most times a reward will be offered, and you will make someone's day great.

Another great time to go to beaches or around lakes is after a huge storm, where erosion has occurred, inland lakes only require heavy downpours or snowmelt to expose items previously buried too deep to find, but on the shore hurricanes, and nor'easters are best for exposing much older, deeper items missed in the past, sometimes including gold coins from ancient shipwrecks. If you live near a northern shore where large amounts of snow accumulates over the winter, the first spring snowmelt is also likely to erode enough beach to expose older buried treasures previously missed by other detectorists.

3. History lessons!

Research your areas history. In my town we have a building that is host to housing a middle aged couple who also have the small luncheonette run by them on the ground floor, and engraved in the wooden columns is a date: built 1786, so while waiting for my sandwich I asked what this place was originally, and was told it was a stage-coach stop, so I proceeded to ask if they also owned the dirt parking area across the street, and they told me no one knows if anyone owns it, I told her why I asked, and she offered to allow me to not only search the public area across the street, but if I let her know when I am there I can search all the property around the building their family has owned for generations. Many area's local historical societies can provide guidance as to what area's were first developed and which roads or sites still exist today, and will offer locally written books about the settlement and development of the area, many of which will include a large old building which was a hostel/bordello in it's day, which means allot of traffic in one place for many people to lose their belongings, even something as seemingly insignificant as a metal button can bring in a high cash value if it is old but identifiable, people have found very old coins and jewelry as well, when I picked out a silver medal of "Mary" I didn't think much of it, it was all black and crusty, but later when going through my findings I picked it out and carefully cleaned it to reveal the rock she is standing on has the date 1839, and was found on the grounds of a building that was built in 1886, along with a few coins from the early 1800's, by the way the building was also a bordello during the first world war, it is located near naval docks!

4. Tools of the trade!

Ok you found a good spot to hunt and got permission, you have a metal detector, what else do you need? Well for beach hunting as well as other types of hunting you will need to start with at least two zippered or Velcro pouches, like a belly bag, or you can use a builder's pocketed apron, one will be used to hold your good or questionable findings, the other you will use for obvious trash dug up, when beach hunting you will need a sand scoop, preferably with a wire mesh basket, wire mesh scoops tend to be lighter than perforated stainless steel baskets, you want the holes small enough to prevent a half dime from slipping through, if they are bigger you might miss out on small rings as well, for other types of treasure hunting you will need a sharp serrated digging tool, many of which look like a hunting knife, but if the blade is shaped like a trowel shovel it will be easier to dig through hard rocky, packed dirt, especially if there are dense tree or shrubbery roots to cut through to get down to your prize, in this case a long metal probe is useful for narrowing down where to dig, by inserting it around the area where you got your ping, you can tell whether it is buried deep or shallow, and with numerous probings you can determine the general shape of the object before digging it out of the dirt. Always wear leather gloves when digging to protect your hands from glass, sharp metal objects, or sharp stones.

Happy Hunting To All!
Copyright© Daniel Chiapperino 2006

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Strange But True: Perbezaan Pemikiran & Pendapat

Strange But True: Perbezaan Pemikiran & Pendapat

Metal Detector Buying Guide

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If you were one person who loves adventure in the form of treasure hunting, then a metal detector would be one of your necessary equipments. Be it out of sheer hobby or more on the professional level, you really would not perform well treasure hunting if you do not have a good metal detector to explore with.

A metal detector is one sophisticated device that leads you toward gold mines. A good metal detector would sure find some small treasures buried in sands, in soils, and in other obscured places. A good, wholesome fun is sure to be delivered by this ingenious device.

If you are planning to buy a metal detector to join the treasure-hunting fun, here are some tips to guide you so that youll get the best deal possible. Metal detectors can be pricey, so youve got to invest your money well.

1. Determine where you are going to use the device at

There are certain features needed for certain places the device is going to be used for. If you intend to use it on the beach, the terrain wont be that rigorous. But you are going to need waterproof protection. If you wanted to use it more rigidly, then you should opt for the one that is especially made for all kinds of terrains.

2. Estimate for how long you are going to use the detector
The hours of operation a metal detector is determined by its model. Some are made to work for as long as 24 hours a day. Some cant perform as much. This is decided by the battery life of the device you are going to purchase. Also decide if you rather have extra batteries or if you prefer to get a charging kit.

3. Know your budget for it
As stated earlier, metal detectors could really be expensive. You can cut on cost if you cut on features. Try to look for the best bargain by enumerating the features you are going to need against the one that you can leave off. Also, be on the look out for brands that are big on features but small in price. Now thats a real good deal.

4. Research the latest technologies

As with other electronic equipments, innovations seems to always happen overnight. If you are going to buy a metal detector today, try to know that technologies are currently employed. You do not want to be behind the technology line, right?

5. Get some professional advice
Get an advice from people who are the known authorities in the field of metal detectors. Although families and friends are good sources of information, they might not be as updated as the experts are. If you wanted to get the best device possible, get first-hand information from the experts themselves.

6. Consider durability
Youve got to buy a metal detector that could withstand normal wear and tear longer than its competitors. The longer the metal detector can serve you, the better your return on investment will be.

7. Consider accuracy

Of course, the metal detector has to perform, and very well at that. It should deliver accurate detection. It should also carry out the task real well. It should spot treasures at once, and in a very precise manner. This is important because this is its main job out on the field. If it cannot detect small jewelry, as it should, then it is not worth buying, no matter how a good deal it seemed to be.

8. Get the most adaptable one

This can be determined by the metal detectors ability to be upgraded, when possible. Get the one that has a lot of devices that can be attached or added to it to make it work better. Do not settle for the detector that is relatively stagnant. If the detectors features can be enhanced further, the better buy it is.

These points could serve as your guide in buying a new metal detector. The more advantage points the particular type of detector you are eyeing for has, the better buy it is. Just make sure that you cash on the every feature you paid for. Buying a metal detector is a real decision. Buying that one is an even harder job. Follow these steps and you are sure to be guided accordingly.

About The Author
John Morris
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